Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions that parents often ask us. We hope the answers are helpful to you and your child. If your question isn’t listed here, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

What do I need to do to register my child at Castle Dome Middle School?

You may download the registration form or fill out the paperwork in the school office when you come to register your son or daughter. Don’t forget to bring the student’s birth certificate, immunization record, social security number, and the address of the last school he/she attended.

Can my child ride the school bus?

The bus will transport any student who lives more than one mile from the school. The district does not charge for bus service. Please call the school office to get specific information for your location and to arrange for your child to ride the bus.

What do you do to ensure that students behave themselves on the bus?

We teach our students that bus riding is a privilege. Drivers set rules of conduct and communicate them to the riders. Students who exhibit unruly conduct, disregard for the bus rules, and defiance of driver authority receive progressive discipline. For details on bus rules and the consequences for not following the rules, please visit the transportation page on our district website.

What do you do to keep students safe at school?

Maintaining a safe school environment is our top priority. That’s why we require all visitors to check-in at the office. We do not allow school-age children to visit the campus. We provide consistent supervision of students and deal with inappropriate behavior promptly, fairly, and consistently. We give each student a copy of our School Discipline Code. The student handbook provides details of the behavior we expect of Castle Dome students.

Our students also drill moving from one place to another on campus in order to be prepared for fires and other emergencies. In addition, we have a School Resource Officer on campus.

What should I do if my son or daughter must be absent?

Please call 341-1600 by 9:30 a.m. After that time, an automated calling system calls the home of each absent student. If you know ahead of time that your son or daughter will be absent, please notify the school prior to the absence. We require a notification from the parent giving the reason for the absence, and we may ask for a note from your child’s doctor. We encourage students to be at school by giving perfect attendance awards. You can find information in greater detail in the student handbook.

How can a student make up work missed due to absences?

A student who is absent arranges with the teachers for make-up work. If the student is absent for two or three days, please call the school office. We will try to get the student’s homework together for you to pick up the next day. This often helps a student not feel overwhelmed upon returning to school.

What if a student is late to school?

If your child is going to be tardy, please call 341-1600. The student must get a late pass from the office upon arrival. Developing a habit of promptness is an important work skill. To help students develop that skill, we provide progressive discipline for students who are repeatedly tardy.

What if a student needs to leave school early?

The parent must come into the school office and check the student out. Students may not leave campus without parental approval.

What meals does the cafeteria serve and what is the cost?

Junior High Pricing Schools: Gila Vista, Woodard, Castle Dome, and RWMS

We know that breakfast is the most important part of the day. That is why at Yuma School District One, we offer breakfast at no cost. We serve breakfast from 7:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. Please join us! If a parent or child would like to join a student and purchase breakfast, the cost is $2.00. We offer lunch to all students for $1.50 every day. If a parent or guest would like to join their student for lunch, the cost is $3.00.

You may fill out a free and reduced lunch application at any time during the school year if you think your child may qualify. We look forward to serving you.

If your student brings a sack lunch from home, they may still purchase a juice or milk for 25 cents to go with their meal. Due to USDA guidelines, milk or juice is 25 cents, regardless if your student qualifies for free and reduced priced meals.

Is there a dress code?

Castle Dome has a dress code that ensures that students dress neatly, appropriately, and without items that one may interpret as gang-related. Clothing may not disrupt from the learning process, nor may it promote the use of substances that are illegal for minors. Parents and students may read the dress code in detail, in the student handbook.

May students bring personal items to school?

Students must bring some personal items to school such as coats, sweaters, and notebooks. Students should not bring personal items that are not necessary to school. The school lists specific items that a student may not have at school in the student handbook.

How often do you let me know how my child is doing in school?

At a minimum, we give you formal reports on your child’s educational progress eight times during the school year. You will receive progress reports at the midpoint of each grading period. We send report cards home at the end of the quarters. The school calendar lists report card dates for your convenience. Please call the school office at any time that you wish to schedule a conference about your student’s grades.

Can my child bring a mobile phone to school?

It is the responsibility of students who bring mobile phones to school to abide by the guidelines outlined in our Acceptable Use Policy.

What is BYOD?

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to an educational technology model where students bring a personally owned device to school for the purpose of learning. Personally owned devices may include iPads, tablets, iPods, smart phones, laptop computers, and so forth. This cutting-edge program allows our students to receive instruction and educational materials on a state-of-the-art platform and prepares them to embrace the future – whether in a classroom or in the workforce. You can find out more about this program by reading our program guide and technology acceptable use policy.